“Many people would probably not say this, but a chronic pain injury was one of the best things to ever happen to me. Crazy, but true!”
When I was in my late 20s, I started to experience pain and aches in my forearms and wrists whenever I’d leave work, which consisted of hours of computer work. Visits to various workers compensation doctors, surgeons and other doctors later, I was no closer to a diagnosis for my pain and discomfort and yet even the smallest of activities would aggravate my pain - from washing my hair to cutting an onion to even driving a car. It was only once I started a course of acupuncture treatments that I started to feel the pain decrease and reclaim my life.
Previously, I had always been intrigued by acupuncture - how it was preventive medicine and how it took into account the whole body and its functions, not just isolated symptoms. Once I started getting treatments, I couldn’t stop reading about it, wanting to learn more about this amazing form of medicine. Going through the experience of having chronic pain and not getting answers or any relief from Western medicine however, was the final catalyst to prompt me to go to acupuncture school so that I could PRACTICE acupuncture and help others like me.
Going to acupuncture school opened a
whole new way of thinking
about the body and our capacity for healing.
Attending acupuncture school has honestly changed my and my family’s life in so many ways for the better that I am thankful every day for the trials and tribulations of the injury that got me to where I am today. I wouldn’t be an acupuncturist or a person dedicated to a life of learning how to live and be healthier without having had that experience. Plus, I believe my own experience has made me an even better clinician for having the empathy, awareness and compassion for what others are going through who seek my care.
Leslie Murphy, licensed acupuncturist at Balanced Health Acupuncture
In addition to being an acupuncturist, I’m a wife and mother to two of the most amazing kids on the planet. I absolutely love to read but when I don’t have my nose in a book, you can find me taking a walk, practicing yoga, or leading an awesome Girl Scout troop.
Just like anyone I too have to find ways to manage stress, get adequate sleep and take care of my body so that I can stay and feel healthy. As a family we eat clean, real food, avoid toxic chemicals in our beauty and cleaning products, move our bodies and de-stress our minds, and I pass all of my tips and tricks on to you so be sure to sign up for my newsletter below so you don’t miss a thing!
Now that you know a bit about me, I’d love to learn more about you and how I can help you live the life that you deserve. Contact me - I can’t wait to hear from you.
My Credentials
Licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine
Nationally certified in Acupuncture by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Master in Acupuncture degree from the New England School of Acupuncture
Certified in Tong Ren Therapy by the Oriental Cultural Institute
Certified in auricular acupuncture (ear acupuncture) by the Auriculotherapy Institute of California
Awarded the Tsay Fellowship in 2009 by the Tsay Foundation of Chinese Medicine. This award is given to an outstanding NESA graduate who is most likely to make a significant contribution to the profession of acupuncture.
Contributing writer at Holistic Squid and Thrive Global
Provided acupuncture services at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Dimock Community Health Center, Ocean Spray Cooperative Headquarters, Wheaton College
Trained with Tom Tam, Mark Mincolla, Paul Pitchford (author of Healing with Whole Foods), Richard Tan
Master in Social Work from Boston College
Bachelor of Art from Davidson College, Magna cum laude
Why the Stone Cairn logo?
I chose the image of the stone cairn for my logo to reflect the philosophy of my approach to acupuncture and health. Stone cairns are often found in nature and have been used by people across the centuries to mark specific sites or landmarks along one’s path. It is my goal that Balanced Health Acupuncture be a marked site on each patient’s health journey where you can find healing, hope and comfort.
The image of stones of various shapes and sizes stacked on top of each other to form one balanced structure is representative to me of the goal we each have to find balance in our lives. We all juggle responsibilities, ailments, goals and dreams of various weights and sizes, but it’s how we balance them all that we find contentment in life.